StrengthsFinder Training For Teams

Self-Paced StrengthsFinder Training for Individuals

  • Who is it for?

    This 12-module, video-based StrengthsFinder training class was designed for new hires of existing clients so they can catch new joiners of the team up to the same conversations we had in our workshop. It's a great way to get started with strengths.
  • How long is it?

    In total, it takes about 3 hours. The runtime of the videos is about 90 minutes, and the time to do the exercises is another 90 minutes.
  • Are there size limits?

    Although the button to buy online was made for single-use purchase by individuals, you can buy as many of these as you'd like. If you need to buy a bulk purchase (>1), reach out on our Contact Form so we can get you an efficient way to distribute "Coupon Codes" that work like pre-paid codes for your new team members.
  • Where do we meet?

    On camera. We don't technically "meet," although you see us on camera, so hopefully it feels like you're hanging out with your best strengths pal. The online training is hosted here on our site. You'll create login information as you complete the purchase.
  • Can I get a course description?

    You bet. When you click on the button below, you can scroll the product page to check out all 13 sections of the e-learning.
  • Are CliftonStrengths Assessments included?

    They're not included in the prices below, yet if you want us to handle that part, we're happy to. You can also buy your codes online here. If you self-manage your code distribution there, it can save you quite a lot for large groups.
  • How much does it cost?


Live, Virtual StrengthsFinder Training for Teams and Retreats

  • Who is it for?

    For private StrengthsFinder training events (your company only), they're typically for work teams, leadership teams, corporate universities, or talent development programs.

    If you want an event that is private to your company yet you work in locations all over the place, this is a great way to meet online for a workshop without worrying about airplanes and travel expenses.
  • How long is it?

    The standard private virtual StrengthsFinder training event is 2 hours. For private events, we're happy to deliver shorter sessions if that works better for you. We also join 15 min early for sound check⁠—feel free to pop in before the session to get the strengths jam going.
  • Are there size limits?

    Yes, yet they're big! Our software allows up to 500 at once in a virtual training room. For private sessions, we recommend 100-200 to maximize interactions. Depending on how "chatty" your team is (in the chat box), the comments can fly by too fast for some people's tastes in the very large rooms.

  • Where do we meet?

    We all meet online at the same time in a virtual training room. Zoom is our favorite platform, and it's the one we provide. At the same time, we've used just about all of them. If you have a special requirement to use your in-house software, just ask.
  • Can I get a course description?

    You bet. Here's a full program description of what your team would experience in the virtual training (beyond the vibe of a boring read-the-slides style webinar).
  • Are CliftonStrengths Assessments included?

    You can buy them or we can buy them. We're happy either way. We do have special access to deliver bulk CliftonStrengths assessment codes. This can make the logistics smoother for you.

    If you'd like us to handle it, check out the "StrengthsFinder Bundles" and team DNA charts in the "How Much Does It Cost?" (Price) section below. Bundles for virtual training include a Top 5 CliftonStrengths assessment for each person, digital materials, custom Team DNA Reports, and a 12-week digital Strengths Activation Training.

    If you'd like to handle the codes on your own, we'll give you a spreadsheet template to provide with everyone's results. You can get a code for each person, or buy codes online to self manage the process.
  • How much does it cost?

    Most people pay $3,500. Private StrengthsFinder Training is $4,600, with a steep $1,100 discount for pre-payment via credit card or ACH (5 or 500 people - same price), which includes pre-work videos, the virtual training workshop facilitation, and use of our training platform.
    $45/each if you need Top 5 StrengthsFinder Bundles for the team. Remember to budget for this part because the per-participant cost can sneak up on you quickly if you have a large team.

    It covers a Top 5 CliftonStrengths assessment for each person, digital materials, custom team DNA reports, and a 12-week digital Strengths Activation Training delivered after the event to keep the momentum going.

    Alternate: If you prefer to do the premium Full 34 Report, budget $85/person for the bundles.
  • Any options if that blows my budget?


    1. Buy in bulk. If you have a giant team and want to do more than 10 private events, ask about discounts. These are especially applicable for corporate universities that offer sessions on the regular.

    2. Ask about our DIY Team Building program, where we can virtually coach you through events that you lead on your own.

    3. We also have assessment-free options if the tool itself is what blows your budget. It's easier to have StrengthsFinder language, yet we can get your team to a version of their signature strengths without a survey tool if needed.

On-Site, In Person StrengthsFinder Training for Teams and Retreats

  • Who is it for?

    Face to Face (F2F) StrengthsFinder training is for in-person work teams, leadership teams, corporate universities, development programs. Whether it's an all-hands annual kickoff meeting, an executive retreat, or a small team off-site, we're game! These are private events at your venue of choice. Great for team building.
  • How long is it?

    Half-day training with your work group. If you want something longer or shorter, just ask. We can usually accommodate you.
  • Are there size limits?

    Nope! We can lead an event with 4 people, 400, or 4,000. As long as you provide microphones for large venues, we're good. We'll provide you with a logistics guide to help with room setup based on your event size.
  • What cities do you deliver training in?

    We travel to do StrengthsFinder training all over the world⁠—14 countries to be exact (so far). We have facilitators in several cities, so be sure to let us know where your event will be held. If you're in the same city as an available facilitator, you can save some cash by not paying travel expenses.
  • Can I get a course description?

    You bet. Here's a full program description of what your team would experience in the instructor-led version of the workshop.
  • Are CliftonStrengths Assessments included?

    You can buy them or we can buy them. We're happy either way.

    If you'd like us to handle it, check out "StrengthsFinder Bundles" in the "How Much Does It Cost?" (Price) section below. Bundles for in-person training include CliftonStrengths Top 5 assessments, customized Team DNA Charts, personalized materials for each participant (including 4x6 desk frames), and a 12-week digital Strengths Activation Training.

    If you'd like to handle the codes yourself, we'll give you a spreadsheet template to provide with everyone's results. You can get codes online to self-manage that part.
  • How much does it cost?

    Most people pay $5,900.The standard event pricing is $7,000, which includes pre-work videos and the standard in-person training workshop facilitation. A steep $1,100 discount is available for pre-payment via credit card or ACH.
    $1,500 flat-fee Continental US Travel & Expenses (T&E). This fee also includes your physical materials and shipment.

    If you have a last-minute flight or international flight, send us your details, and we'll adjust the flat fee.
    $45/each if you need Top 5 StrengthsFinder Bundles for the team. Remember to budget for this part because the per-participant cost can sneak up on you quickly if you have a large team.

    It covers a Top 5 CliftonStrengths assessment for each person, personalized materials (which include a personalized 4x6" desk frame), custom team DNA reports, and a 12-week digital Strengths Activation Training delivered after the event to keep the momentum going.

    Alternate: It's $85/each if you'd like to do the premium, Full 34 report for each person.
    $50-$500 for shipping. Finally, for in-person event, budget for shipment of materials. Shipping averages around $150, depending on how large your group is.
  • Any options if that blows my budget?


    1. Buy in bulk. If you have a giant team and want to do more than 10 private events, ask about discounts. These are especially applicable for corporate universities that offer sessions on the regular.

    2. Ask about our DIY Team Building program, where we can virtually coach you through events that you lead on your own.

    3. We also have assessment-free options if the tool itself is what blows your budget. It's easier to have StrengthsFinder language, yet we can get your team to a version of their signature strengths without a survey tool if needed.