Book a CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Workshop, Virtual Training, Speech, or Coaching Package

How much does strengthsfinder training cost

When you want to book a StrengthsFinder workshop, you have many options. Customers have covered $10.00 budgets with our digital products, and they've invested $300,000 with us in department-wide leadership development budgets. Let us know your unique situation, and we can support your rollout of CliftonStrengths and people development.

Icon Representing Conversation Bubbles

We know, we know. A form on a website - bleh!

In a bizzaro-world twist, they help us serve customers and strengths-seekers better. When we displayed our email addresses, we were flooded with spam, Western Union phishing scams, and ways to increase social media followers by 100,000 in four days. It kept us from seeing your legit messages.

You have 1-2 humans on the other side of the form, waiting to email you back about booking a StrengthsFinder workshop or helping with your career development. We promise.

Icon Showing Old School Rotary Phone

Here's the skinny. This is a voice mailbox. Not many people use the phone these days, so we'd be hiring a full timer to stare blankly at the phone all day.

This voice message system helps us increase our time serving customers with more speaking & training availability in the field. Be sure to tell us the purpose of the call so we can prioritize you if you're trying to learn more about how to book a StrengthsFinder workshop or speech.


Icon Showing Envelope To Represent Mail

Attn: Lisa Cummings
Lead Through Strengths
1401 Lavaca St # 41178
Austin, TX 78701