StrengthsFinder - What Role Fits for Belief Careers?

StrengthsFinder Definition - Belief

People exceptionally talented in the Belief theme have certain core values that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for their lives. Here's the full list of CliftonStrengths definitions so you can check out your other talents as well.

Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, StrengthsFinder®, and each of the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.

StrengthsFinder Belief Careers - What Work Cultures Fit?

StrengthsFinder Belief Careers - Energy Takers & Energy Makers

In the next section, you'll explore what fuels you up and what drains you. Just like gas (or petrol) in your car, you need to keep your personal tank full to be at your best. Each StrengthsFinder talent theme is energized and drained by different things. When you see the stick figure who looks strong, you can consider how these things fuel you up at work. They're your energy makers. When you see the stick figure who looks weak, consider if these things are draining you at work. They're your energy takers.

Yucks for CliftonStrengths Belief

  • If your values get questioned or pushed around, you'll likely feel totally drained.
  • If your work or company culture is misaligned with your beliefs, it will be difficult to be all in.

Example yuck from client: "I used to have a boss who would yell at other employees. It embarrassed them in public. The fact that she violated my deepest values of mutual respect and kindness told me instantly I couldn't work for her. I wasn't the target of her tirades, but that didn't matter. Once you show a dark side like that, it's almost impossible to get my trust again."

Yays for CliftonStrengths Belief

  • When the team prioritizes and even sacrifices for what's most important.
  • Getting to do things the right way, and being around others who want to as well.

Example yay from client: "People always tell me I'm passionate. That's because I love tying my life's purpose to my work. I believe in our cause, and I want to share our products with the whole world because it will make their lives better. Today, it's a medical device. Earlier in my career, it was a software product. If it helps humanity, there's a good chance I'm in."

StrengthsFinder: Building Belief Careers - You At Your Best

Most people have a good handle on "What" they bring to the workplace. Resumes, CVs, and career development conversations are filled with lists of skills and job titles that show "what" you can do. Nearly everyone misses the "How".

Your Clifton StrengthsFinder talent themes help you communicate "How" you show up. It's how you think. It's how you feel. It's how you act. These are huge differences in each person that are differentiators on the job. Consider these adjectives you might want to consciously put into your personal branding efforts.

We recommend working a "How" description into the Summary section in your LinkedIn profile (if you don't yet use that section, don't worry, most people haven't paid attention to it until now). Of course, make up adjectives or phrases that describe you at your best. Try to avoid words like "motivated, self-starter" because they're so overused that you'll blend in with everyone else. Here are some ideas to spark your thinking:

  • Stable
  • Grounded
  • Certain
  • Self-Sacrificing
  • Anchor
  • Evangelist
  • Values-Driven
  • Committed
  • Principled
  • Passionate
  • Steady In Values
  • Loyal (if values-aligned)
  • Purpose-Centered
  • Altruistic
  • Purposeful
  • Mission-Driven
  • Inspirer
  • Consistent Advocate