List Of Energizers At Work - Your "More Of" List

Act Casual

Act Formal

Analyze Data

Ask Questions

Assure People

Assure Quality

Be An Expert

Be Expressive

Be Introspective

Be Out Front

Be Responsive

Be Selective

Be Serious

Be Thoughtful

Bring Harmony

Coach Others

Comfort People


Connect Ideas

Connect With People


Create Momentum

Create Order

Curate Ideas

Design Things

Do Something New

Do Things Correctly

Enforce Policies

Establish Processes

Find Commonalities

Find Outliers

Find Patterns

Find Truth

Fix Problems

Generate Excitement

Get Approval

Get Others To Commit

Get Results

Give Advice

Go With The Flow

Have A Good Time

Help Others Grow

Imagine The Future

Influence People


Inspire Others


Keep Commitments

Make Decisions

Make People Safe

Mingle With Others

Organize Things

Perfect Things

Plan For Future


Poke The Bear


Present Business Case

Recognize Others

Re-energize Stalled Projects

Respond To Issues

See Nuance In People

“See” People Fully

Set The Context

Share Big Ideas

Share Lessons Learned

Simplify The Complex

Spark Action

Spread Acceptance

Stay Busy

Stay Consistent

Suggest Solutions

Take Charge

Take Classes

Take The Spotlight

Tell Stories

Think Deeply

Weigh Risks

Welcome People


Work Carefully

Work Fast

Work Hard

Do Some Phrases Seem Too Similar In This List Of Energizers?

We included words that may seem like synonyms because certain words carry a charge for different people. If you feel like several words cover one sentiment, you can group them and pick one word to represent that category of interests. The idea is that this is your list of things that make an awesome work culture...for you.

Reflection Questions To Be Sure They're The Most Important Ones In Your List Of Energizers

1. When you look at your calendar and to do list this week, which items do you wish would take up a bigger percentage of your time?

2. What are you doing at work when you lose track of time?

3. [Team Question] Describe a time in your life when you felt you were performing at your best.

4. Can you do this (or be this) even on your bad days and grumpy days? If you can, it might mean it's a natural talent, which will likely energize your performance.

Add To The List Of Energizers

Did you think of a "More Of" not on this list? Submit to lisa@[thisdomainname] with the subject line "Add To More Of List" and we'll get it in the queue for consideration. Thanks for paying it forward to the next person who uses this crowdsourced list.

Other Resources

You might also find the resources page helpful for Team and Leader tools. They're all designed to support a strengths-focused team.